Saturday, December 7, 2013

From There To Here

I've thought about writing this blog for a long time. Documenting our journey, joys, struggles, triumphs, worries, and day to day events is incredibly important to me for a couple of  reasons: First and foremost, I feel like X will need to know about this journey at some point. It's incredibly important to me to document our lives as they happen for him. Secondly, this journey is HARD. There are a lot of things that are unknown and many things that are just "wait and see". The financial impact of raising a preemie - especially a preemie with special needs - is at times overwhelming. Despite the difficulties, the rewards and blessing of having a child with special needs far outweighs any other impact. Writing about all of our experiences is healing to me. I'll talk about this in more detail in a later post.

There's a lot I have to share about how our journey started, where we are now, and of course there will be updates about where we go from here. All of that will take time. Please check back for more updates. I'm looking forward to sharing our journey with you!

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