Thursday, February 20, 2014

Medical Equipment and Mixed Emotions

This past week, we've entered a new phase of X's development where he's ready for medical equipment. An order was written and submitted for him to get a bath chair, wheelchair and stander. Another order was written for him to be fitted for DAFOs (a type of brace for his feet/legs). An example of the bath seat and a DAFO are below.

A bath seat
As great as these devices are for X, I experienced some very mixed emotions about them at first. The day we were told the orders for this equipment had been written, I found myself a little misty-eyed off and on. I've become used to hearing hard things. I think it just goes with the territory when a child has special needs. Still, there are times that hearing something I knew was coming catches me off guard and I'm not always prepared for the range of feelings and emotions that get brought up.

Having a special needs child is - for most parents - not anticipated. In X's case we had no way to know or prepare for what his needs would be. There are still a lot of unknowns even now that he's 18 months old. Much of his development and abilities depend on him. We're doing our very best to see that he receives the right care, support and devices to give him every opportunity to reach his fullest potential. This equipment is one of many steps that need to happen to help him achieve the best possible quality of life that he can. 

Over the past few days, I've had time to think and reflect on my feelings about him needing medical equipment. The sadness that hit me initially has dissipated and now I feel nothing but excitement! What a wonderful time we live in to have these devices available! I'm excited to see how having these devices will improve and enhance X's life. He'll finally get to experience things in a way that he's not ever been able to before. 

I'm sure there will be many other times in X's life that we'll be told something that brings up more mixed emotions. I learned a long time ago that this will happen often and when I least expect it. The best thing to do when that happens is to face those emotions and allow myself to feel them. It's ok that I'm sad sometimes; but at the end of everything I've always been able to find a reason to be thankful.

Dear Life: BRING IT ON! I accept your challenge!

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