Monday, June 23, 2014

Beautiful People

The other day, X wanted to go on a walk. He kept asking and asking and I finally told him ok, even though it was so hot. Once he was securely fastened into his wheelchair, we went to a local elementary school and made our way to the playground. There were some other kids playing there, but I parked X in the shade and sat on the ground next to him so I was more at his level. I was reading him books when 2 little boys who were about 8 years old walked up.

They hesitated for a moment, but finally asked why X was in a wheelchair. I explained the reasons to them as simply as I could. Then they asked if he'd ever been able to walk or run. I told them no, but that he might be able to someday when he was bigger like them. They asked if they could play with him for a while. I told them sure and let them take turns showing X pages from his books and helping him play with his toys from his backpack. Then they asked if they could help him run. I didn't understand at first, so they explained that they wanted to help him run in his wheelchair. Then I got it. I told them it was ok as long as they stayed near by and in the shady areas.

They each took a handle of X's wheelchair...and they RAN!! They ran and ran and ran and happily pushed X along with them. He was squealing, giggling, cheering, and clapping his hands. He loved it!! I think that was the most freeing feeling to him to be able to just move! He felt wind on his face and was playing with 2 other kids for the first time in his life....2 kids who saw HIM and not his disabilities. He had so much fun! They wheeled him back over to me when they were worn out and told him they hoped he could play with them again another time and then they were gone.

I don't know who they were, but those 2 little boys are growing up to be incredible people. Their parents have done an AMAZING job helping them learn to see past the outside and see the person within. They showed such compassion and caring to involve X in their play. Today, X experienced what it's like to have legs that work. He ran. He played. He had independence. He loved every minute...and as his mother I am SO thankful for 2 little boys who took the time to let him have those experiences! 

The Life That's Chosen Me

This video sums up everything I would say in this post. :)